Welcome to the EGI Helpdesk

Welcome to the EGI Helpdesk, the central contact point of the EGI e-Infrastructure federation. You can request user support, report incidents and problems, submit service requests, or raise new requirements to EGI through this system.

Ticket management

Use the link below to submit a new ticket to the helpdesk, to manage your existing tickets and to browse public tickets. You will be asked to login with either an existing institutional/social account (through EGI Check-in), with a Grid User Certificate, or with a local helpdesk account.

Helpdesk ticket management
If you want to learn more about the EGI Helpdesk follow this link to the public documentations.
Register as a supporter
You can register in the Helpdesk as a supporter and join an existing Support Unit or establish a new unit.
Documentation Register as a supporter

provided by
GGUS - Global Grid User Support